
A recent article on mindfulness appeared in the Washington Post.


My Comment: Mindfulness is actually mindlessness. Our consciousness along with the reality we perceive is a creation of the human brain. A fly’s eye sees a different world than I do. My dog’s hearing and sense of smell constructs a different reality than the one I experience. To be aware that one exists in a space and time that is not defined by a subjective filter, is mindfulness.


Today’s Washington Post had an article entitled “Leaders are more powerful when they’re humble…”.

I was stuck by a passage:

The most humble rarely describe themselves as humble (that seems arrogant to them), but studies have shown that they aren’t embarrassed, humiliated or ashamed. No, they’re secure in their identity and higher in well-being. The humble are doing just great, thank you very much.

True humility, scientists have learned, is when someone has an accurate assessment of both his strengths and weaknesses, and he sees all this in the context of the larger whole. He’s a part of something far greater than he. He knows he isn’t the center of the universe. And he’s both grounded and liberated by this knowledge. Recognizing his abilities, he asks how he can contribute. Recognizing his flaws, he asks how he can grow.

No Title

Took this picture, I believe, last Sunday @ sunset.  This stuff’s always there, you don’t have to look for it.  It’s just the sun going down.


The Mystery

“The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced.”
―from CLOUD-HIDDEN, WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN: A Mountain Journal by Alan Watts

Some may read this quote and focus on the words life and experience.  Oh, you gotta get up and GO!  Carpe diem.  Grab all the gusto.  Actually the key to this quote is experiencing the mystery.  By experiencing the mystery,  true reality is revealed.  Just allow yourself to peek around the corner.


Alan watts: This Is It


From a piece in the Paris Review on “This Is It”:

The title essay is about a spiritual but concrete experience that Watts calls “cosmic consciousness,” something that has happened in varying degrees to people since the beginning of time. It’s basically a “vivid and overwhelming certainty that the universe, precisely as it is at this moment, as a whole and in every one of its parts, is so completely right as to need no explanation or justification beyond what it simply is …