lobbying the government

If I told you that corporations, unions and other interests spent $90 million lobbying Washington in 2007, would it surprise you?  Sounds like it’s not enough, right?  What if I told you it was $790 million.  You’re right, still not enough.   How about a record $2.79 billion (let me write that number out for you 2,790,000,000 dollars) spent on lobbying the federal government?  This money is not some sort of charitable contribution.  I’m sure the groups that are spending all that money consider it an investment.  And the return on their investment comes from “We the People”.   A New York Times article stated that the Center for Responsive Politics, a watch dog group, came up with the 2007 figure.  The $2.79 billion was up $200 million over the 2006 spending.  Why are these groups spending all that money?  It’s obvious; it’s money that puts the “special” into “special interests”.  To say the least, this spending is obscene.

Why wasn’t this headline news?  Why wasn’t this an issue during the primary campaigns?  Why isn’t something being done about the selling of America?  Because you don’t bite the hand that feeds you.